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2016 4 lines bar from North

north quad bar 2016

We have had the opportunity to test the new 4 lines bar from North for 2016. Few significant changes we find in this new version. By 2016 all that characterize North bars for several years as the adjustment of the back lines, depower system and other stuff remain. By 2016 the chicken loop remains the same as in previous years, which means it will still work easily and quickly to any problems. If something works, why change it?

north bars 2016 vs 2015
As mentioned, everything has remained the same as previous years, making only two changes visible. The colors and how the quick release system works. After introducing the one-flag system in 2015, which is the system by which red-line or safety line is connected to a single front line, they have kept the system but eliminated the plastic part that caused problems last year to put a metal piece and a sheath line greatly enhanced as you can see in the photo.

north quad bar one flag system
The only thing we miss is that the red-line finally enter a small stretch elastic so that when kite is depowered, red line is not all hanging, but except this small detail, the new North Quad bar 2016 is the best kitesurf bar in the market.

If you look for some North used bars, take a look in our website!


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